In this 2012 crime-comedy drama, a New York mobster, played by Steven Van Zandt, enters the witness protection program and relocates to a small town in Norway. The film explores the cultural clashes and humorous situations that arise as he tries to adapt to his new life while maintaining his old habits. Created by Anne Bjørnstad, the movie offers a unique blend of American and Norwegian sensibilities. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 27
Director: Anne Bjørnstad, Eilif Skodvin
Studio: Rubicon TV, Rubicon TV AS
Awards: 5 wins & 1 nomination
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2012
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 65%
Metacritic: 66
FilmAffinity: 6.7
Country: Norway
Networks: NetflixNRK1
Starring: Anne Krigsvoll, Kyrre Hellum, Marian Saastad Ottesen, Mikael Aksnes-Pehrson, Nils Jørgen Kaalstad, Paul Kaye, Steinar Sagen, Steven Van Zandt, Sven Nordin, Trond Fausa Aurvåg