“Lifeline” is a half-hour series set in the near future, focusing on a unique life insurance company that dispatches its agents 33 days into the future to avert accidental deaths of their clients. The company’s top agent, Conner Hooks (played by Gilford), has a flawless record of successful interventions until he faces the most personal challenge of his career. When sixteen-year-old Norah (portrayed by Park) becomes an orphan under his supervision, Conner vows to safeguard her, even if it risks his position at Lifeline or endangers his own life.
Views: 101
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Benjamin Freiburger, Grant Wheeler
Studio: Corridor Digital, Seven Bucks Productions, Studio71
Creators: Benjamin Azure, Grant Wheeler, Niko Pueringer, Sam Gorski
Awards: 1 nomination
TV Status: Ended
25minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 6.1
TMDb: 6.9
FilmAffinity: 4.5
Country: United States of America
Networks: YouTube Premium
Starring: Ali Yuman, Sydney Park, Usman Ally, Zach Gilford