Legends of Chamberlain Heights
This animated urban series blends uproarious humor with insightful social critique, focusing on three high school freshmen who warm the bench on their basketball team: Jamal, Grover, and Milk. These friends navigate the ups and downs of life, experiencing both victories and setbacks. However, setbacks don’t deter them, as they consider themselves legends, even if only in their imaginations.
Views: 85
Director: Brad Ableson, Mike Clements, Quinn Hawking
Creators: Brad Ableson, Mike Clements, Quinn Hawking
Awards: 1 win
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 4.9
TMDb: 5.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 40%
Metacritic: 3.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: Comedy Central
Starring: Jay Pharoah, Josiah Johnson, Lavell Crawford, Michael Starrbury, Quinn Hawking, Tiffany Haddish