This 2021 film, penned by Ed Sinclair, delves into the intriguing true-crime story of a seemingly ordinary British couple whose dark secrets unravel in unexpected ways. Starring Olivia Colman and David Thewlis, the movie masterfully blends drama and dark comedy, offering a unique perspective on the complexities of human relationships and the lengths people go to protect their loved ones. The film’s direction, which may or may not be by a renowned director, adds a distinct stylistic touch that enhances the narrative’s depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 102
Director: Ed Sinclair
Studio: SISTER, Sky Studios, South of the River Pictures
Awards: Won 3 BAFTA 13 wins & 16 nominations total
Starring: Daniel Rigby, David Hayman, David Thewlis, Dipo Ola, Felicity Montagu, Kate O'Flynn, Olivia Colman, Samuel Anderson