Kung Fu: The Legend Continues
“Kung Fu: The Legend Continues” is a continuation of the original “Kung Fu” TV series that aired from 1972 to 1975. The show features David Carradine and Chris Potter as a father-son duo skilled in kung fu, with Carradine portraying a Shaolin monk and Potter playing a police detective. This series was broadcast in syndication for four seasons, from January 27, 1993, to January 1, 1997, reaching audiences in over 70 countries. The filming location was Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and reruns have been shown on TNT. The series was ultimately canceled when its producer, Prime Time Entertainment Network, shut down, and no other network chose to continue it.
Views: 57
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama
Director: Ed Spielman
Studio: Warner Bros. Television
Creators: Jon Cassar, Michael Sloan, Zale Dalen
TV Status: Ended
44minRelease: 1993
IMDb: 6.5
TMDb: 6.5
FilmAffinity: 4.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: Prime Time Entertainment Network, TNT
Starring: Chris Potter, David Carradine, David Hewlett, Janet-Laine Green, Kate Trotter, Kim Chan, Nathaniel Moreau, Robert Lansing, Scott Wentworth, Victoria Snow