Krypto the Superdog
In this animated adventure, viewers follow the exploits of a heroic canine who hails from the planet Krypton. The story centers around the titular character as he navigates life on Earth, using his superpowers to protect his new home and its inhabitants. The film features a blend of action, humor, and heartwarming moments, making it a delightful watch for audiences of all ages. Directed by Alan Burnett, the movie showcases a talented voice cast that brings the characters to life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 48
Genre: Animation, Documentary
Director: Alan Burnett, Paul Dini
Studio: DC, DC Comics, Warner Bros. Animation
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2005
IMDb: 5.6
TMDb: 6.9
FilmAffinity: 3.2
Country: Canada, United States of America
Networks: Cartoon Network
Starring: Brian Dobson, Brian Drummond, Dale Wilson, Ellen Kennedy, Kelly Sheridan, Mark Oliver, Michael Dobson, Nicole Oliver, Sam Vincent, Scott McNeil, Tabitha St. Germain