Kong: King of the Apes
In the year 2050, Kong finds himself on the run after causing chaos at the Natural History and Marine Preserve on Alcatraz Island. Unbeknownst to the majority of humans pursuing the mighty creature, Kong has been set up by a malevolent mastermind intent on unleashing a horde of gigantic robotic dinosaurs upon the world. As the sole creature capable of defending humanity from these mechanical beasts, Kong must depend on the assistance of three children who are aware of his innocence.
Views: 56
Genre: Animation
Director: Allen Bohbot, Avi Arad
Studio: 41 Entertainment, Arad Animation, ICON Creative Studio, OLM, Sprite Animation Studios
Creators: Andy Briggs, Homeros Gilani, Marcy Brown, Motonori Sakakibara
Awards: 3 nominations
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 5.7
TMDb: 6.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 55%
FilmAffinity: 4.0
Country: United States of America
Networks: Netflix
Starring: Alessandro Juliani, Kathleen Barr, Lee Tockar, Sam Vincent, Shannon Chan-Kent