King of High School
Lee Min Suk is an ordinary high school student who plays hockey, but his life takes an unexpected turn when he must step into his brother’s shoes as the head of a large corporation. Suddenly, he finds himself juggling academics, hockey training, and the responsibility of making decisions worth millions. No pressure, right?
Views: 150
Director: Yoo Je-won, Yu Je-won
Studio: Chorokbaem Media
Creators: Je Won Yu, Jo Sung-hee
Awards: 4 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1h 10minRelease: 2014
IMDb: 7.2
TMDb: 7.5
Country: South Korea
Networks: tvN
Starring: Jo Han-chul, Kang Ki-young, Kim Won-hae, Kwon Seong-deok, Lee Ha-na, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Tae-hwan, Lee Yul-eum, Oh Gwang-rok, Oh Kwang-rok, Seo In-guk