Jesus: His Life
Delve into the narrative of Jesus Christ from an intriguing angle: through the eyes of those who were intimately connected to him. The film unfolds in eight segments, each narrated by a distinct biblical character who significantly influenced Jesus’ journey. These figures include Joseph, John the Baptist, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Caiaphas, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene, and Peter.
Views: 19
Genre: Documentary, Drama
Director: Adrian McDowall
Studio: Nutopia
Creators: Adrian McDowall, Anna McPartlin, Ashley Pearce, Ed Selleck, Joe Ainsworth
Awards: 1 nomination
Starring: Abhin Galeya, Cassie Bradley, Gerald Kyd, Greg Barnett, Houda Echouafni, John Hopkins, Ramin Karimloo