In the Club
“In The Club” centers around six expectant mothers and their partners as they prepare for their babies’ births in a community parenting class. The group includes Diane, a homemaker; Rosie, a student; Jasmin, who is newly married; Roanna, a career-driven businesswoman; Vicky, a midwife; and Kim, who juggles writing and a teaching assistant role. Each woman faces her own unique challenges.
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2014
IMDb: 7.4
TMDb: 6.3
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: Christine Bottomley, Hannah Midgley, Hermione Norris, Jonathan Kerrigan, Katherine Parkinson, Luke Thompson, Sacha Dhawan, Taj Atwal, Tara Fitzgerald, Will Mellor