Based on Luke Pearson’s beloved graphic novels, this animated feature follows the adventures of a fearless blue-haired girl as she navigates a world filled with magical creatures and mysterious landscapes. The film beautifully captures the essence of childhood wonder and the spirit of exploration. With its stunning animation and heartfelt storytelling, it has garnered critical acclaim for its imaginative world-building and character development. Notably, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 88
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Luke Pearson
Studio: Mercury Filmworks, Netflix, Silvergate Media
Awards: Won 1 BAFTA Award, 12 wins & 9 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
27minRelease: 2018
IMDb: 8.6
TMDb: 8.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
FilmAffinity: 7.5
Country: Canada, United Kingdom
Networks: Netflix
Starring: Ameerah Falzon-Ojo, Bella Ramsey, Daisy Haggard, John Hopkins, Lucy Montgomery, Oliver Nelson, Rasmus Hardiker