Based on Alice Oseman’s beloved graphic novel series, this 2022 film follows the tender and heartfelt journey of two British teenagers, Charlie and Nick, as they navigate the complexities of friendship and burgeoning romance. The movie beautifully captures the essence of young love and self-discovery, featuring standout performances by its young cast. Directed by Euros Lyn, the film has been praised for its faithful adaptation and emotional depth. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 375
Director: Alice Oseman
Studio: See-Saw Films
Awards: Top rated TV #229 | Nominated for 3 BAFTA 22 wins & 38 nominations total
Starring: Corinna Brown, Cormac Hyde-Corrin, Jenny Walser, Joe Locke, Kit Connor, Kizzy Edgell, Rhea Norwood, Sebastian Croft, Tobie Donovan, William Gao, Yasmin Finney