Heartbreak High
“Heartbreak High” is a well-loved Australian TV series that aired from 1994 to 1999. The show focused on the lives of students at Hartley High, a challenging school located in a diverse area of Sydney. Known for its gritty and fast-paced narrative, it stood out among other shows of its time. Originating as a spin-off from the 1993 Australian film “The Heartbreak Kid,” which starred Alex Dimitriades and Claudia Karvan, the series initially centered on the school and the Poulos family. However, in its later seasons, the focus shifted more towards the students’ personal lives and their favorite hangout spot, the Shark Pool.
Views: 61
Genre: Drama
Director: Ben Gannon, Michael Jenkins
Studio: Gannon Films, Gannon Television
Awards: 2 nominations
TV Status: Ended
50minRelease: 1994
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 6.9
FilmAffinity: 4.9
Country: Australia
Networks: ABC TVNetwork Ten
Starring: Callan Mulvey, Putu Winchester