A novel and lethal virus has swept across the city, leading to the lockdown of an apartment building inhabited by people from various social backgrounds. As fear of the virus looms large and tensions rise among the diverse residents, they must navigate and endure life in this newly confined environment.
Views: 65
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Han Sang-un
Studio: Studio Dragon
Creators: Ahn Gil-ho, Sang Woon Han
Starring: Back Joo-hee, Baek Hyun-jin, Han Hyo-joo, Jo Woo-jin, Jung Woon-sun, Lee Jun-hyeok, Moon Ye-won, Mun Ye-won, Park Hyeong-su, Park Hyoung-soo, Park Hyung-sik, Park Joo-hee