In 1997, an enigmatic spirit rescued humanity and then vanished without a trace. Now, 24 years later, this same ghost reemerges to aid a serial killer in escaping. Kim Sae Ha, Jung Sae Byeok, and Song Eo Jin each have their own motives for tracking down this elusive apparition.
Views: 22
Genre: Action & Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Lee Soo-yeon
Studio: Ace Factory, Arc Media
Creators: Khan Lee, Park Chul-Hwan
Starring: Heo Joon-seok, Jang So-yeon, Kim A-joong, Kim Hyeong-mook, Kim Moo-yul, Kim Sung-kyun, Lee Gyu-hoe, Lee Si-young, Seo Kang-joon, Song Sang-eun