Grand Hotel
Set in the opulent surroundings of a luxurious hotel in early 20th century Spain, this film directed by Carlos Sedes weaves a complex narrative of mystery, romance, and intrigue. The story follows a young man who infiltrates the hotel staff to investigate the disappearance of his sister, uncovering dark secrets and forming unexpected alliances along the way. With a stellar cast that brings depth to its richly drawn characters, the film captivates with its period detail and suspenseful plot twists. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Carlos Sedes, Gema R. Neira, Ramón Campos
Studio: Bambú Producciones, Les Gens
Awards: 11 wins & 22 nominations
Starring: Adriana Ozores, Amaia Salamanca, Eloy Azorín, Fele Martínez, Luz Valdenebro, Manuel de Blas, Megan Montaner, Pedro Alonso, Pep Anton Muñoz, Yon González