Detective Superintendent Roy Grace, based in Brighton, is a dedicated police officer who has devoted his life to his work. However, his career is currently in a downward spiral. Obsessed with the mysterious disappearance of his cherished wife, Sandy, he spends his time investigating old, unsolved cases that offer little hope of resolution. After receiving yet another reprimand for his unconventional policing techniques, Grace finds himself on thin ice, facing the possibility of being removed from the job he is most passionate about.
Views: 43
Director: Russell Lewis
Studio: Second Act Productions, Tall Story Pictures, Vaudeville Productions
TV Status: Returning Series
1h 30minRelease: 2021
IMDb: 7.4
TMDb: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
FilmAffinity: 6.4
Networks: ITV1, ITV1BritBoxITVX
Starring: Amaka Okafor, Brad Morrison, Clare Calbraith, John Simm, Laura Elphinstone, Richie Campbell, Sam Hoare, Zoë Tapper