In an alternate version of feudal Japan, extraterrestrial beings known as the Amanto have invaded and taken control. This has led to a ban on swords, causing the samurai to be treated with little respect. Despite this, Gintoki Sakata remains a true samurai at heart, though his fondness for sweets and his work as a freelance odd-job man might suggest otherwise. Joining him in his diverse endeavors are Shinpachi Shimura, a bespectacled boy with a courageous spirit; Kagura, who wields an umbrella and has an insatiable appetite; and Sadaharu, their giant pet dog. Their tasks are rarely straightforward, often involving clashes with law enforcement, rebellious groups, and assassins, resulting in comedic yet unfortunate situations.
Views: 87
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Creators: Chizuru Miyawaki, Hideaki Sorachi, Taku Kishimoto, Yôichi Fujita
Awards: 1 win
Starring: Akira Ishida, Daisuke Sakaguchi, Fumihiko Tachiki, Kazuya Nakai, Kenichi Suzumura, Rie Kugimiya, Satoshi Hino, Takehito Koyasu, Tomokazu Sugita, Yuhko Kaida