From Darkness
The narrative follows Claire Church, an ex-police officer who relocates to the secluded Western Isles, seeking to leave behind her troubled past and the lingering specter of violence. However, her former partner and colleague, DCI John Hind, along with his new Detective Sergeant, Anthony Boyce, soon draw her back into a case she believed she had left behind long ago.
Views: 321
Director: Katie Baxendale
Studio: BBC
Creators: Dominic Leclerc, Katie Baxendale
Awards: 4 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2015
IMDb: 5.6
TMDb: 5.3
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: BBC One
Starring: Anne-Marie Duff, Elina Alminas, Gerry McLaughlin, Johnny Harris, Leanne Best, Luke Newberry, Richard Rankin