Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock
In this delightful reboot of the beloved 1980s series, the story follows the adventures of a group of colorful, fun-loving creatures known as Fraggles. They navigate their whimsical underground world, exploring themes of friendship, cooperation, and environmental stewardship. The series features a talented voice cast, including recognizable names like Dave Goelz and Karen Prell. Directed by the acclaimed filmmaker John Tartaglia, this family-friendly show has been praised for its vibrant puppetry and engaging storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 56
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Kids
Studio: Fusfeld & Cuthbertson Regional Entertainment, New Regency Pictures, The Jim Henson Company
Awards: 4 wins & 11 nominations
Starring: Ali Eisner, Andy Hayward, Dave Goelz, Donna Kimball, John Tartaglia, Jordan Lockhart, Karen Prell, Lilli Cooper