Fight For My Way
The drama revolves around the lives of Ko Dong-Man and Choi Ae-Ra. During his school years, Ko Dong-Man was involved in taekwondo. Currently, he earns his livelihood as a contract worker while pursuing a career in the UFC. On the other hand, Choi Ae-Ra once aspired to be an announcer but abandoned that ambition. She is now employed at a department store’s information desk.
Views: 49
Director: Im Sang-choon
Studio: Pan Entertainment
Creators: Im Sang-choon, Lee Na-jeong
Awards: 7 wins & 10 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1h 5minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 8.1
TMDb: 7.9
FilmAffinity: 6.6
Country: South Korea
Networks: KBS2
Starring: Ahn Jae-hong, An Jae-hong, Chae Dong-hyeon, Chae Dong-hyun, Jin Hee-kyung, Kim Gun-Woo, Kim Ji-won, Kim Sung-oh, Lee Elijah, Park Seo-jun, Pyo Ye-Jin, Song Ha-yoon, Yang Jae-young