Fear Factor
Fear Factor is an American reality game show centered around sports stunts and dares. It first aired from 2001 to 2006 before being canceled. The show made a comeback in 2011 but was canceled again on May 13, 2012. Following this second cancellation, a special two-part episode was broadcast in July 2012. The show originated from a Dutch version titled Now or Neverland, but when Endemol USA and NBC adapted it for American audiences in 2001, they renamed it Fear Factor. The format involves contestants competing in various stunts to win a grand prize, typically $50,000. In the first five seasons, the contestants were usually three men and three women competing individually. However, in the sixth season, the format shifted to four teams of two people, each team consisting of individuals with a pre-existing relationship. The show was hosted by comedian and UFC commentator Joe Rogan, with Matt Kunitz and David A. Hurwitz serving as executive producers and J. Rupert Thompson as the director.
Views: 49
Genre: Reality
Studio: Endemol Entertainment, Endemol USA, Pulse Creative
Creators: J. Rupert Thompson, Jennifer Orme, Larry Struber, Mark Perez
Awards: 5 wins & 13 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 2001
IMDb: 5.7
TMDb: 5.7
Metacritic: 6.7
Country: United States of America
Networks: NBC
Starring: Joe Rogan