Sunny, a talented but modest artist, finds himself thrust into the dangerous realm of counterfeiting after crafting an impeccable fake banknote. Meanwhile, Michael, a passionate and unconventional officer on a special task force, is determined to eliminate the threat of counterfeit currency in the nation. In this gripping game of cat and mouse, failure is not an option for either side.
Views: 55
Director: Krishna D.K., Raj Nidimoru
Studio: D2R Films
Creators: Krishna D.K., Raj Nidimoru
Awards: 11 wins & 42 nominations
Starring: Amol Palekar, Bhuvan Arora, Chittaranjan Giri, Jaswant Singh Dalal, Kay Kay Menon, Raashii Khanna, Shahid Kapoor, Vijay Sethupathi, Zakir Hussain