Falcon Crest
“Falcon Crest” is an American primetime soap opera that was broadcast on CBS for nine seasons, spanning from December 4, 1981, to May 17, 1990, with a total of 227 episodes. The show centers on the conflicts within the affluent Gioberti/Channing family, who are deeply entrenched in California’s wine industry. Jane Wyman played the role of Angela Channing, the domineering head of the Falcon Crest Winery, while Robert Foxworth portrayed Chase Gioberti, Angela’s nephew who returns to Falcon Crest after his father’s passing. The drama unfolds in the fictional Tuscany Valley, located northeast of San Francisco.
Views: 78
Director: Earl Hamner, JR
Studio: Amanda Productions, MF Productions
Creators: Earl Hamner Jr.
Awards: Won 1 Primetime Emmy, 8 wins & 47 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
1hRelease: 1981
IMDb: 6.2
TMDb: 5.6
Metacritic: 6.0
FilmAffinity: 5.5
Country: United States of America
Networks: CBS
Starring: Andrea Thompson, Chao Li Chi, Chi Chaoli, David Selby, Gregory Harrison, Jane Wyman, Kristian Alfonso, Lorenzo Lamas, Margaret Ladd, Rod Taylor, Wendy Phillips