“Faith” is a 2012 South Korean television series that blends elements of fantasy, history, and medical drama. It aired on SBS from August 13 to October 30, 2012, with episodes broadcast on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55, spanning a total of 24 episodes. The story follows a contemporary plastic surgeon who is abducted and transported back 700 years to the Goryeo era. In this ancient period, she encounters and eventually falls in love with a warrior who leads the royal guard.
Views: 32
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Kim Jong-hak, Song Ji-na
Studio: Kim Jong-hak Production
Awards: 3 wins & 6 nominations
TV Status: Ended
1h 4minRelease: 2012
IMDb: 7.9
TMDb: 7.0
FilmAffinity: 7.3
Country: South Korea
Networks: SBS
Starring: Kim Hee-seon, Kim Mi-kyeong, Kwon Hae-seong, Kwon Hae-sung, Lee Byung-joon, Lee Min-ho, Park Se-young, Ryu Deok-hwan, Sung Hoon, Yoon Kyun-sang, Yu Oh-seong