Face Off
“Face/Off,” directed by John Woo, is a high-octane action thriller where FBI agent Sean Archer undergoes a revolutionary surgical procedure to swap faces with his arch-nemesis, terrorist Castor Troy, in order to thwart a deadly plot. As both men navigate their new identities, they engage in a relentless cat-and-mouse game that blurs the lines between good and evil.
Views: 110
Genre: Reality
Studio: Mission Control Media
Creators: Jason S. Edwards, Peter Ney, Rob Blatt
Awards: 2 wins & 6 nominations
TV Status: Ended
40minRelease: 2011
IMDb: 8.2
TMDb: 7.2
Metacritic: 71
Country: United States of America
Networks: Syfy
Starring: Glenn Hetrick, Graham Scofield, Jordan Patton, Kayla "Jo" Holland, Kelly Harris, Kevon Ward, Matt Valentine, McKenzie Westmore, Michael Westmore, Neville Page, Sasha Glasser, Ve Neill, Walter Welsh, Yvonne Cox