“Edgemont” is a Canadian TV series that was broadcast from 2001 to 2005, focusing on the daily lives of teenagers in the fictional suburb of Edgemont, near Vancouver, British Columbia. This half-hour show explored the experiences of students at McKinley High School, featuring themes of romance, intrigue, and jealousy, along with various social issues like racism and homosexuality.
The series premiered on January 4, 2001, on CBC Television and concluded on July 21, 2005, after five seasons and 70 episodes. The final season aired without commercials on CBC. Created by Ian Weir, who also served as an executive producer alongside Michael Chechik, the show was filmed in the basement of CBC Studios in Downtown Vancouver.
“Edgemont” achieved moderate success in Canada, including in Quebec where it was dubbed in French, and was also shown in the United States on the Fox Family Channel. Currently, reruns are available on some local U.S. stations and nationally on Me-TV on Sunday mornings as part of the network’s educational programming. The series was also broadcast in several other countries, including France.
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 2001
IMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 7.4
Country: Canada
Networks: CBC Television
Starring: Chas Harrison, Daniella Evangelista, Dominic Zamprogna, Elana Nep, Grace Park, Kristin Kreuk, Micah Gardener, P.J. Prinsloo, Richard Kahan, Sarah Lind