Doctor Doctor
The narrative follows Hugh Knight, an up-and-coming heart surgeon known for his exceptional skills, charisma, and seemingly flawless nature. As a pleasure-seeker, he assumes that his extraordinary abilities allow him to operate beyond conventional boundaries. However, his mantra of “work hard, play harder” is on the verge of causing him trouble.
Views: 66
Director: Alan Harris, Claudia Karvan, Ian Collie, Tony McNamara
Studio: Easy Tiger, Essential Media and Entertainment
Creators: Alan Harris, Ian Collie, Tony McNamara
Awards: 20 nominations
TV Status: Ended
50minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 7.8
TMDb: 7.1
FilmAffinity: 5.7
Country: Australia
Networks: Nine Network
Starring: Belinda Bromilow, Charles Wu, Chloe Bayliss, Hayley McElhinney, Matt Castley, Nicole da Silva, Rodger Corser, Ryan Johnson, Tina Bursill