In a dystopian future where a devastating civil war has turned Manhattan into a demilitarized zone, cut off from the outside world, determined medic Alma Ortega embarks on a perilous quest to locate her son, who went missing during the chaotic evacuation of New York City at the war’s outbreak. Her path is fraught with danger, as she must navigate through a landscape dominated by gangs, militias, and ruthless leaders, including Parco Delgado, the charismatic yet lethal head of one of the DMZ’s most influential factions.
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Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Roberto Patino
Studio: ARRAY Filmworks, Warner Bros. Television
Creators: Ava DuVernay, Ernest R. Dickerson, Riccardo Burchielli, Roberto Patino
Awards: 5 nominations
Starring: Amandla Jahava, Benjamin Bratt, Claire Lanay, Freddy Miyares, Hoon Lee, Jordan Preston Carter, Mamie Gummer, Reynaldo Gallegos, Rosario Dawson, Venus Ariel