The Ellen DeGeneres Show
“Die Hard,” directed by John McTiernan, follows New York City police officer John McClane as he visits his estranged wife at her company’s Christmas party in Los Angeles. The celebration is abruptly interrupted when a group of terrorists seizes the building, forcing McClane to use his wits and skills to thwart their plans and save the hostages.
Views: 69
Genre: Action, Comedy, Talk, Thriller
Director: Ellen DeGeneres, John McTiernan
Studio: A Very Good Production, Bluebush Productions, Gordon Company, Silver Pictures, Telepictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros. Television
Awards: 86 wins & 123 nominations
TV Status: Ended
45minIMDb: 6.6
TMDb: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
Metacritic: 7.3
Country: United States of America
Networks: Syndication
Starring: Al Leong, Alan Rickman, Alexander Godunov, Andreas Wisniewski, Anthony Peck, Betty Carvalho, Bill Marcus, Bob Jennings, Bonnie Bedelia, Bruce Willis, Bruno Doyon, Carmine Zozzora, Charlie Picerni, Clarence Gilyard Jr., David Katz, David Ursin, De'voreaux White, Dennis Hayden, Ellen DeGeneres, Gary Roberts, George Christy, Gerard Bonn, Grand L. Bush, Hans Buhringer, Hart Bochner, James Shigeta, Joey Plewa, Kip Waldo, Kym Malin, Lorenzo Caccialanza, Mark Winn, Mary Ellen Trainor, Matt Landers, Noah Land, Paul Gleason, Rebecca Broussard, Reginald VelJohnson, Rick Cicetti, Rick Ducommun, Robert Davi, Robert Lesser, Selma Archerd, Stella Hall, Stephen 'tWitch' Boss, Taylor Fry, Terri Lynn Doss, Tracy Reiner, Wilhelm von Homburg, William Atherton