Defending Jacob
“Defending Jacob” is a gripping legal drama that follows assistant district attorney Andy Barber as he grapples with the accusation that his 14-year-old son, Jacob, is involved in the murder of a classmate. As the investigation unfolds, the Barber family is thrust into a harrowing journey that tests their loyalty and challenges their belief in Jacob’s innocence.
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Director: Mark Bomback
Studio: Anonymous Content, Mark Bomback Productions, Mimir Films, Paramount Television, Paramount Television Studios
Creators: Mark Bomback
Awards: Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys, 2 wins & 10 nominations total
Starring: Ben Taylor, Betty Gabriel, Cherry Jones, Chris Evans, Daniel Henshall, J.K. Simmons, Jaeden Martell, Jordan Alexa Davis, Michelle Dockery, Pablo Schreiber, Sakina Jaffrey