Death Note
Light Yagami, a top-performing student with a promising future, finds himself disenchanted with life. His world takes a dramatic turn when he discovers the Death Note, a mysterious notebook left behind by a wayward Shinigami, or death god. This notebook grants him the power to kill anyone whose name he inscribes in it. Determined to cleanse the world of wrongdoing, Light sets out on a mission to use the Death Note for justice. However, the question remains: will Light achieve his righteous aim, or will the Death Note transform him into the very evil he seeks to eliminate?
Views: 156
Genre: Animation, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio: Madhouse
Creators: Gracie P. Aylward, Kei Tsunematsu, Norimitsu Suzuki, Tetsurô Araki, Tomohiko Itô, Toshiki Inoue
Awards: Top rated TV #36 | 2 wins & 1 nomination
Starring: Aditi Singh, Aya Hirano, Kappei Yamaguchi, Kazuya Nakai, Keiji Fujiwara, Kimiko Saito, Mamoru Miyano, Naoya Uchida, Noriko Hidaka, Nozomu Sasaki, Ryou Naitou, Shido Nakamura