Death Note
Light Yagami is a typical college student until he comes across a mysterious death note that transforms his life. This discovery ignites his twisted sense of justice and sharp intellect, leading him to become the vigilante killer known as Kira, who targets criminals. Meanwhile, the famous private detective L emerges, determined to apprehend Kira, whom he views as malevolent. Subsequently, N, a character with a striking appearance yet perilous nature, enters the scene.
Views: 35
Studio: Nippon Television Network Corporation
Creators: Ryo Nishimura, Ryûichi Inomata, Takeshi Obata, Yoshihiro Izumi
Starring: Hinako Sano, Jirô Satô, Kazuaki Hankai, Kento Yamazaki, Masataka Kubota, Megumi Seki, Mio Yuki, Reiko Fujiwara, Shugo Oshinari, Tomohisa Yuge