Dark Angel
The narrative follows Mary Ann Cotton, a notorious serial killer from the Victorian era, who uses poison to leave no trace of her crimes. Her deadly actions go unnoticed by a society that cannot fathom a woman committing such heinous acts. As she moves through the North East, she integrates herself into unsuspecting households, marrying and forming new families, only to murder them, seize their wealth, and continue her deadly journey.
Views: 18
Studio: Air-Edel Associates, Centurion Productions, ITV, Screen Yorkshire, Take 2 Films, We Got POP, World Productions
Creators: Brian Percival, David Wilson, Gwyneth Hughes
Awards: 2 nominations
TV Status: Ended
44minRelease: 2016
IMDb: 6.8
TMDb: 6.3
FilmAffinity: 6.1
Country: United Kingdom
Networks: ITV1
Starring: Alun Armstrong, Jamie B. Chambers, Joanne Froggatt, John Bowler, John Hollingworth, Jonas Armstrong, Mark Underwood, Paul Brennen, Sam Hoare, Thomas Howes