Cupcake Wars
“Cupcake Wars,” a reality competition series on the Food Network, is hosted by Justin Willman and focuses on crafting distinctive, professional-grade cupcakes. Premiering in June 2010, the show follows a format akin to the popular “Chopped” series, starting with four contestants who are gradually eliminated over three rounds. Initially airing on Tuesdays at 8 PM EST during its first three seasons, the show shifted to a Sunday 8 PM EST slot starting with its fourth season. Contestants face the additional challenge of incorporating unconventional ingredients into their cupcakes, with the victorious team winning a $10,000 prize. Each team is composed of a chef and a sous-chef. The eighth season of “Cupcake Wars” began on March 3, 2013.
TV Status: Ended
Release: 2010
IMDb: 5.8
TMDb: 5.6
Country: United States of America
Networks: Food Network
Starring: Candace Nelson, Florian Bellanger, Justin Willman