Crash Canyon
“Crash Canyon” is a Canadian animated show that revolves around a unique community residing at the base of a canyon. The plot follows the Wendell family, who set out on a caravan trip in search of an unconventional vacation. However, their journey is abruptly cut short when they find themselves stranded at the bottom of a canyon in Alberta, Canada. The canyon’s steep walls make escape impossible. To their surprise, they discover a group of 25 other survivors from past accidents who have formed a makeshift society. In this isolated community, traditional money is useless, and golf tees serve as the local currency.
Views: 31
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama
Director: Jamie LeClaire, Joel Cohen, Joel H. Cohen, Kyle MacDougall, Phil LaFrance, Seth MacFarlane
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, Breakthrough Entertainment, Fuzzy Door Productions, Jam Filled Entertainment
Awards: 2 nominations
Starring: Bryn McAuley, Jennifer Irwin, Patrick McKenna, Seth Green, Seth MacFarlane, Tori Kelly