Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
The series serves as a prequel, focusing on the high school days of Flint Lockwood, the quirky young inventor from the films. During his escapades, he is accompanied by Sam Sparks, the new girl in town who aspires to be a reporter, as well as Flint’s father Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny who leads the school’s audiovisual club, Earl the gym teacher, Brent who models baby clothes, and Mayor Shelbourne, who consistently wins elections with his pro-sardine stance.
Views: 95
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Kids
Director: Alex Galatis, Mark Evestaff
Studio: Corus Entertainment, DHX Media, Sony Pictures Animation
Creators: Alex Galatis, Mark Evestaff
Awards: 2 wins & 13 nominations
TV Status: Returning Series
15minRelease: 2017
IMDb: 3.4
TMDb: 5.6
FilmAffinity: 3.9
Country: Canada
Networks: Cartoon NetworkYTVBoomerang
Starring: Clé Bennett, David Berni, Katie Griffin, Mark Robert Edwards, Patrick McKenna, Sean Cullen