In a small town experiencing a musical renaissance, high schoolers Kanae and Sousuke encounter none other than Beethoven and Mozart! These enigmatic figures, who refer to themselves as “ClassicaLoids,” wield an unusual power through their music. One evening, stars descend from the heavens and enormous robots emerge, creating daily chaos! Bach, Chopin, and Schubert also make appearances as ClassicaLoids. What secrets lie behind their extraordinary abilities? Are they allies or adversaries to humanity?
Views: 21
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Studio: Bandai Namco Pictures, NHK, Sentai Filmworks, SUNRISE
Starring: Akira Ishida, Aya Endo, Mamiko Noto, Mao Ichimichi, Mikako Komatsu, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Taiten Kusunoki, Tomoaki Maeno, Tomokazu Sugita, Yûki Kaji