Chappelle’s Show
Chappelle’s Show is a sketch comedy series from the United States, crafted by comedians Dave Chappelle and Neal Brennan. Chappelle not only hosted the show but also played roles in numerous sketches. Alongside Chappelle, Brennan and Michele Armour served as the executive producers. The series made its debut on January 22, 2003, on Comedy Central, an American cable network. It successfully aired for two full seasons, with a third season that was cut short.
The production of the third season faced several delays and ultimately came to an unexpected halt when Chappelle decided to leave the show. Despite this, three episodes were pieced together from the existing material and broadcast from July 9 to July 23, 2006. The show continues to be popular in reruns, airing on Comedy Central and internationally on networks like MTV in Germany, Comedy Central in Brazil, The Comedy Network in Canada, The Comedy Channel and 7mate in Australia, and FX in the UK.
Additionally, Chappelle’s Show was broadcast on WGN America and syndicated to various U.S. television stations, including MyNetworkTV. TV Guide placed it at number 31 on their list of “TV’s Top 100 Shows.”
Views: 129
Genre: Comedy
Director: Dave Chappelle, Neal Brennan
Studio: Marobru Productions, Pilot Boy Productions
Creators: Dave Chappelle, Neal Brennan
Awards: Top rated TV #73 | Nominated for 3 Primetime Emmys, 7 wins & 16 nominations total
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 2003
IMDb: 8.8
TMDb: 8.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Metacritic: 74
FilmAffinity: 7.5
Country: United States of America
Networks: Comedy Central
Starring: Dave Chappelle