Central Park
In this animated musical comedy, we follow the Tillerman family, who reside in a castle located in Central Park. Owen, who manages the park, and his wife Paige, a journalist, are raising their children, Molly and Cole, amidst the iconic surroundings. Meanwhile, they must contend with Bitsy Brandenham, a hotel heiress determined to transform the park into a condominium complex.
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Director: Josh Gad, Loren Bouchard, Nora Smith
Studio: 20th Television, 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Entertainment, Brillstein Entertainment Partners, Wilo Productions
Creators: Josh Gad, Loren Bouchard, Nora Smith
Awards: Nominated for 4 Primetime Emmys, 3 wins & 14 nominations total
Starring: Daveed Diggs, Josh Gad, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Stanley Tucci, Tituss Burgess