Cannes Confidential
Set against the backdrop of Cannes and the Cote d’Azur, the story revolves around the dynamic between a driven and aspiring female police officer and a former con artist and expert forger, who is evading both law enforcement and the mafia. The duo forms an unexpected yet remarkably effective alliance in crime-solving, tackling a new murder case in each self-contained episode. Meanwhile, the overarching narrative follows the protagonist’s mission to uncover the truth about the criminals who falsely accused her father, a celebrated local cop, leading to his wrongful imprisonment for a murder he did not commit.
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Director: Chris Murray, Patrick Nebout
Studio: Acorn Media Enterprises, Acorn TV, AMC Studios, SkyVerse Studios, TF1, Viaplay Group
Creators: Chris Murray, Patrick Nebout
Starring: Anna Franziska Jaeger, Ava Griffith, Hugo Brunswick, Jamie Bamber, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Lucie Lucas, Nancy Tate, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Samy Lechea, Shy'm