C.O.P.S. is an American animated TV series produced by DIC Entertainment and Celebrity Home Entertainment. Originally airing from 1988 to 1989, the show featured the slogan: “Fighting crime in a future time, protecting Empire City from Big Boss and his gang of crooks.” In 1993, it was re-aired on CBS Saturday mornings under the title CyberCOPS, a change prompted by the 1989 launch of an unrelated primetime reality show with the same name. The series was inspired by Hasbro’s 1988 action figure collection, C.O.P.S ‘N’ Crooks.
Views: 23
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation
Studio: DiC Entertainment
Creators: David Carren, Duane Capizzi, Kevin Altieri, Rick Morrison
TV Status: Ended
30minRelease: 1988
IMDb: 7
TMDb: 6.8
FilmAffinity: 5.8
Country: United States of America
Networks: CBS
Starring: Brent Titcomb, Dan Hennessey, John Stocker, Ken Ryan, Len Carlson, Marvin Goldhar, Mary Long, Michael Fantini, Ron Rubin, Zevi Wolmark