Brown Nation
This 2016 comedy-drama series follows the life of Hasmukh, an Indian immigrant in New York City, who juggles the challenges of running a struggling IT business while dealing with his eccentric family and friends. The show stars Rajeev Varma, Shenaz Treasury, and Omi Vaidya, bringing a blend of humor and heartfelt moments. Although it hasn’t won any major awards, it offers a unique perspective on the immigrant experience with a comedic twist. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 23
Genre: Comedy
Starring: Akaash Singh, Doug E. Doug, Jaspal Binning, Kapil Bawa, Melanie Chandra, Omi Vaidya, Rajeev Varma, Remy Munasifi, Sana Serrai, Shenaz Treasury