Set in the gritty streets of Detroit during the 1980s, this film chronicles the rise of two brothers who build a formidable drug empire. The narrative delves into their complex family dynamics, the challenges they face from law enforcement, and the internal conflicts that threaten to tear their operation apart. With standout performances from Demetrius “Lil Meech” Flenory Jr. and Da’Vinchi, the movie offers a raw and unflinching look at the American dream turned on its head. Directed by Randy Huggins, this gripping tale can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 323
Director: Randy Huggins
Studio: EFO Films, G-Unit Film & Television, Lionsgate Television
Awards: 5 nominations
Starring: da'Vinchi, Jerel Xavier Alston, Kelly Hu, La La Anthony, Lil Meech, Michole Briana White, Myles Truitt, Russell Hornsby, Steve Harris