Becoming Elizabeth
Set against the tumultuous backdrop of 16th-century England, this historical drama delves into the early life of Elizabeth I, exploring her rise to power amidst political intrigue and familial betrayal. Created by Anya Reiss, the film features a stellar performance by Alicia von Rittberg in the titular role, supported by a strong ensemble cast. While it has not garnered any major awards, the film’s meticulous attention to historical detail and compelling narrative have been widely praised. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Starring: Alicia von Rittberg, Bella Ramsey, Ekow Quartey, Jacob Avery, Jamie Blackley, Jamie Parker, Jessica Raine, John Heffernan, Leo Bill, Oliver Zetterstrom, Romola Garai, Tom Cullen