Beakman’s World
“Beakman’s World” is an educational TV show for children, inspired by the comic strip “You Can with Beakman and Jax” by Jok Church, which was distributed by Universal Press Syndicate. The show first aired on September 18, 1992, on The Learning Channel and was also available through national syndication. A year later, on September 18, 1993, it transitioned to CBS’s Saturday morning lineup for kids. At its height, the show was broadcast in almost 90 countries worldwide. Although it was canceled in 1998, reruns began airing again in national syndication in September 2006, later moving to local stations like KICU. The show premiered a year before “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” which explored similar themes. Paul Zaloom, the show’s host, continues to portray Beakman in live performances internationally.
Views: 29
Director: Jok R. Church
Studio: Columbia Pictures Television, Columbia TriStar Television, ELP Communications
Creators: Jok R. Church
Awards: 5 wins & 32 nominations
TV Status: Ended
22minRelease: 1992
IMDb: 8.6
TMDb: 8.1
FilmAffinity: 6.7
Country: United States of America
Networks: CBSTLCSyndication
Starring: Alan Barzman, Bert Berdis, Mark Ritts, Paul Zaloom, Senta Moses