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Avengers Social Club

Avengers Social Club

The story revolves around three women from diverse backgrounds who unite to seek vengeance: a fish market vendor who once dreamed of a brighter future, a homemaker who was raised as an orphan, and the daughter of a wealthy family who was sheltered like a fragile flower. This unexpected group, who would not have crossed paths under normal circumstances, collaborates to pursue their personal vendettas. Initially brought together by their shared goal, they eventually develop a deep bond of friendship.

~~Inspired by the webtoon “Buam-dong Revenge Social Club”

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Views: 28

Genre: Drama


Studio: ,

Creators: ,

TV Status: Ended

Duration: 01:06 1h 6min


IMDb: 8.1

25710 1
10 1 14

TMDb: 8.1



Starring: Byoung-Sook Sung, Choi Byung-mo, Jang Yong, Jeong Seok-yong, Jung Ae-yeun, Lee Jun-young, Lee Yo-won, Myung Se-bin, Ra Mi-ran, Seong Byeong-sook, Seong Byeong-suk, Shin Dong-woo