Attack on Titan: Junior High
The narrative centers on Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman as they begin their journey at Titan Jr. High, a unique school where humans and Titans share the same environment. Eren harbors a deep resentment towards the Titans due to a “traumatic” incident in middle school when the Colossal Titan devoured his lunch. This animosity drives him to seek ways to eliminate the Titans from the world. Consequently, Eren struggles to form friendships, which causes concern for Mikasa.
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Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Studio: dentsu, Kodansha, MBS, Pony Canyon, Production I.G
Creators: Kazuya Miura, Midori Goto, Takahiro Kawakoshi
Starring: Hiro Shimono, Hiroshi Kamiya, Kisho Taniyama, Marina Inoue, Romi Park, Shiori Mikami, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Yu Kobayashi, Yui Ishikawa, Yûki Kaji