Set in the visually stunning world of Piltover and the undercity of Zaun, this animated series explores the origins of two iconic League of Legends champions and the power struggles that shape their destinies. The narrative delves into themes of family, conflict, and the pursuit of power, all while maintaining a rich, character-driven storyline. Directed by Alex Yee, the series has garnered critical acclaim for its animation quality and storytelling. Notably, it has won several awards, including an Annie Award for Best General Audience Animated TV/Broadcast Production. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1576
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Director: Alex Yee, Christian Linke
Studio: Fortiche Production, Netflix, Riot Games
Awards: Top rated TV #28 | Won 4 Primetime Emmys, 22 wins & 5 nominations total
Starring: Ella Purnell, Hailee Steinfeld, Harry Lloyd, Jason Spisak, Kevin Alejandro, Toks Olagundoye