Angry Boys
Angry Boys is an Australian TV mockumentary series crafted and performed by Chris Lilley. Building on the mockumentary format of his earlier works, the series delves into the challenges faced by young men in the modern era, including their influences, pressures, aspirations, and goals. In Angry Boys, Lilley takes on various roles: S.mouse, an American rapper; Jen, a controlling Japanese mother; Blake Oakfield, a surfing champion; Ruth “Gran” Sims, a guard at a juvenile detention center; and her grandsons, the South Australian twins Daniel and Nathan Sims.
This series is a collaborative effort between the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the US cable network HBO, with a pre-sale agreement to BBC Three in the UK. It was filmed across Melbourne, Los Angeles, and Tokyo, and made its debut on 11 May 2011 at 9:00 pm on ABC1.
Views: 75
Director: Chris Lilley
Studio: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, HBO, Princess Pictures
Creators: Chris Lilley
Awards: 2 wins & 1 nomination
Starring: Chris Lilley